Lines 1008-1018
"Then the due time arrived
For Halfdane's son to proceed to the hall.
The king himself would sit down to feast.
No group ever gathered in greater numbers
Or better order around their ring-giver. The benches filled with famous men
Who fell to with relish; round upon round of mead was passed; those powerful kinsmen,
Hrothgar and Hrothulf, were in high spirits
In the raftered hall. Inside Heorot
There was nothing but friendship. The Shielding nation was not yet familiar with feud and betrayal."
Lines 1788-1790
"Happiness came back, the hall was thronged,
And a banquet set forth; black night fell
And covered them in darkness."
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Lines 44-49
"For the feasting lasted a full fortnight and one day,
With more food and drink than a fellow could dream of.
The hubbub of their humor was heavenly to hear:
Pleasant dialogue by and dancing after dusk,
So house and hall were lit with happiness
And lords and ladies were luminous with joy.
Lines 1016-1023
"Beneath the din of drums
Men followed their affairs,
And trumpets thrilled and thrummed
As those two tended theirs.
They drank and danced all day and next
And danced and drank the day after that,
Then Saint Johns Day passed with a gentler joy
As the Christmas feasting came to a close"
Lines 1952-1956
"And with meals and mirth and minstrelsy
They made as much amusement as any mortal could,
And among those merry men and laughing ladies
Gawain and his host got giddy together;
Only lunatics and drunkards could have looked more delirious."
The Fairy Queen Book 2, Canto 12, SECTION 56
"In her left hand a cup of gold she held,
And with her right the riper fruit did reach,
Whos sappy liquor, that with fulness sweld,
Into her cup she scruzd, with daintie breach
Of her fine fingers, without fowle empeach,
That so fair wine-presse made the wine more sweet:
Therefore she usd to give to drinke to each,
Whom passing by she happened to meet:
It was her guise, all Straugners goodly so to greet."
William Shakespeare's The Tempest, Act 2, Scene 2
Enter STEPHANO, singing: a bottle in his hand
I shall no more to sea, to sea,
Here shall I die ashore--
This is a very scurvy tune to sing at a man's
funeral: well, here's my comfort.
The master, the swabber, the boatswain and I,
The gunner and his mate
Loved Mall, Meg and Marian and Margery,
But none of us cared for Kate;
For she had a tongue with a tang,
Would cry to a sailor, Go hang!
She loved not the savour of tar nor of pitch,
Yet a tailor might scratch her where'er she did itch:
Then to sea, boys, and let her go hang!
This is a scurvy tune too: but here's my comfort.
[Sings drunkenly]
Farewell master; farewell, farewell!
A howling monster: a drunken monster!
No more dams I'll make for fish
Nor fetch in firing
At requiring;
Nor scrape trencher, nor wash dish
'Ban, 'Ban, Cacaliban
Has a new master: get a new man.
Freedom, hey-day! hey-day, freedom! freedom,
hey-day, freedom!
O brave monster! Lead the way.
Act III, Scene 2
Enter PROSPERO above, invisible. Enter several strange Shapes, bringing in a banquet; they dance about it with gentle actions of salutation; and, inviting the King, & c. to eat, they depart
I cannot too much muse
Such shapes, such gesture and such sound, expressing,
Although they want the use of tongue, a kind
Of excellent dumb discourse.
[Aside] Praise in departing.
They vanish'd strangely.
No matter, since
They have left their viands behind; for we have stomachs.
Will't please you taste of what is here?
Not I.
John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book 1
Lines 1-4
Of man's first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste
Brought death into the world, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden